Dear Teachers,
We are currently making great efforts to maintain educational activities at our university and to meet all of your learning and training needs as well as to minimize any issues that may arise during these extraordinary circumstances caused by the Coronavirus (COVID) pandemic. -19). , negatively affecting our country and the whole world.
We expect your support, understanding and cooperation during this difficult time. During this conjuncture, it was decided to provide distance training to replace face-to-face training for theoretical courses, tutorials and workshops, both undergraduate and graduate during the 2019-2020 academic year.
In this context, the university has opted for the use of the following tools: Google Classroom (course/TD), and Google Meet (conference/workshop/meeting). These e-learning tools are available from the teachers’ institutional account. In addition to Moodle (courses/TD) which will be ready soon.
In the meantime, we ask that you follow all hygiene and safety rules in order to protect yourself and prevent the spread of the virus. Also, be sure to stay home unless you need to go out.
Rectorate of the University of Constantine3 Salah Boubnider.
Below are training videos on Google Classroom and Google Meet.