The highest university qualification, accreditation is granted by a jury to teacher-researchers.

The latter must carry out validated educational work, research work published in recognized journals as well as national and international communications or the filing of patents.

What does the authorization allow?

The university habilitation allows its holder to
direct or supervise a doctoral thesis, a master’s thesis, one or more research projects or a research team.
to acquire the rank of teacher-researcher of masterly rank
to apply for a promotion to the rank of professor (with other conditions).

Who can apply?
University accreditation is open to all teacher-researchers
in a permanent position of activity in the higher education sectors
having the rank of class B lecturer

What is the procedure for processing the authorization file?


Nb : in case of refusal

The school director informs the candidate in writing.
The candidate can lodge an appeal via the same platform within 08 days. The regional commissions draw up a report of the results within 15 days, sent to the minister for approval and notification to the directors of the establishments concerned.

It is brought to the attention of candidates with a view to obtaining university accreditation for the year 2022 that the timetables are fixed as follows:

2nd and 3rd session pdf ( Ar ) pdf ( Fr )

It is brought to the attention of candidates for promotion to the rank of Professor for the year 2022 that the timetables are fixed as follows:

47th and 48th session of the national university commission pdf ( Ar ) pdf ( Fr )

Contact us


Tel : +213 31 78 60 81

Fax : +213 31 78 60 79


Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB