The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University Constantine 3 Salah BOUBNIDER is pleased to announce the launch of the eme call for applications to join the benches of the 1stProfessionalMasterin Design registered in a faculty of architecture in Algeria.
The professional master’s degree is an opportunity to specialize in the design approach applied to projects, from the scale of the object, the architectural scale to the urban scale. Its practical application in the multiple uses of the field of architecture, urban planning and trades related to the city, gives it a multidisciplinary dimension of great quality.
In this sense, this professional master’s program is designed to transmit scientific knowledge in design thinking, the methodology of design at different project scales, and the mastery of their articulation. Furthermore, the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills and the bringing together of universities and businesses are at the heart of the training program, through the involvement of professionals in the field of architecture, urban planning and urban professions in the development of the training program.
The training is presented in the form of creative workshops and curricular seminars that aim to support the development of personal projects and the creation of businesses at the end of the curriculum. The permanent link with professionals and industrialists will allow future candidates to be put into a real professional situation.
* Number of positions: 30
Access requirements:
– Have a bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields: Architecture, Urban Planning, City Professions, GTU, or
– Hold a master’s degree in one of the following fields: architecture, urban planning, project management, GTU, or
– Have a degree in architecture or engineering in classical systems
Application deadline: SEPTEMBER 15, 2022
*The interviews 20-21 September 2022
*Posting of results:September 22, 2022