2nd edition of the research week of the University Constantine 3
Workshop: In silico methods in pharmaceutical development
May 9 to 12, 2022
You want to broaden your knowledge on “the contribution of in silico methods in the field of Drug Design and Medicinal Chemistry”?
Register now for the workshop organized during this event on May 11, 2022. There are only a few spots left, don’t miss this opportunity for training in innovative pharmacy methods.
The workshop will address this topic according to the following program:
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
10:00-10:20: In Silico: A Promising Tool Toward Pharmaceutical Development
Dr. Derouiche MTT (UC3 /CRSP)
10:20-10:40: Combining Computational Chemistry and Biomolecular Modeling for Predictive Insights
Into Chemical SystemsPr Belkhiri L. (Head of In Silico Group in Computer-Aided Drug
Design (CADD)- Research Center on Pharmaceutical Sciences CRSP- Head of Theoretical
& Computational Chemistry, TCC Group -LPMS- Chemistry Department – Fundamental
Sciences Faculty Mentouri UC1)
11h00- 11h20: Role of artificial intelligence in Bioinformatics
Dr. Boufenara M.(CRSP)
11:20-11:40: Applications of artificial intelligence to new drug development
Dr. Bahi M.(CRSP)
13h30-15h30: Molecular Docking and ADME(T) profile prediction.
Molecular Docking protocol & In silico prediction of ADME(T) and biological activity.
Dr. Krid A. (CRSP)
1 – Registration fees:
Before 07/05/2022:
4000 DA for teacher-researchers.
2000 DA for doctoral students.
After 07/05/2022:
6000 DA for teachers-researchers and doctoral students.
2 – The payment is made to the account CCP: Accountant University of Constantine3, (322588 key 59).
3 – the registration
( + payment stub) is done on the following link
4- Number of places
limited, first registered first retained.