Idea Competition – Innovate at Your University (Constantine 3 – 4.0)
The University of Constantine 3 Salah BOUBNIDER, through its Vice-Rectorate for Development, Orientation, and Foresight, in collaboration with Faculties, Institute, and Higher Schools, is launching its #first_ideas_competition!
Objective : Design a more attractive, functional, and sustainable esplanade as part of the transition to a University 4.0.
Who can participate?

Conditions for Competition Candidacy
♦ The competition is open to all students, teachers, and administrators of Constantine 3 University and the higher education schools of the university hub.
♦ Participation can be individual or in a team.
Note : Des points supplémentaires seront attribués aux
participations en équipes pluridisciplinaires.

Visit ‘Minassati’, the official event platform to register and download participation guidelines :

Post Views: 24
17 March 2025 |