Constantine 3 University Salah BOUBNIDER was created by Executive Decree No. 11-402 of 03 Moharram 1433 corresponding to November 28, 2011 establishing the University of Constantine 3.

It is located at extension UV 05, new city Ali Mendjeli 13 km from the capital of the wilaya of Constantine.

Covering an area of ​​170 hectares divided into 30 plots.

Public institution of a scientific, cultural and professional nature, oriented towards the prospective of the future to meet the needs of society.

it brings together an intellectual community carrying a scholarly culture whose main mission is to put training and research at the service of excellence by:

initial and continuing training

Scientific and technological research and the promotion of its results in the service of the country

orientation, integration into the job market of its graduates and their social promotion

The development of human and social sciences and civic culture

the development of scientific, technical and industrial culture;

the development of a scholarly, innovative and creative culture.

It is faced with a multitude of challenges that it is striving to meet, in particular the growing increase in the number of students, seoir the digital revolution, guaranteeing the challenge of innovation and creativity…


Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB