The LMD system is articulated in three training cycles:
As part of the LMD reform, the degrees of license, master, doctorate replace the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles. University studies are now organized into fields which reflect the major fields of competence of the university.
Capitalization : This is the final acquisition of the teaching units, the student will not have to redo an acquired EU if he is led to change his training course or establishment.
Mobility : It is the possibility offered to the student to change establishment without losing his achievements.
Readability : This is the possibility offered to the job market to be able to easily compare LMD diplomas in the country, or from one country to another.
The bachelor’s degree is the 1st grade of the higher education cycle corresponding to the first 3 years of study. The bachelor’s degree is obtained at the end of a course organized in 6 semesters.
The 1st year constitutes the integration cycle which provides the student with a transition between high school and university. It is a stage of impregnation and adaptation to university life and disciplinary discovery.
The 2nd year constitutes the cycle of deepening of knowledge and progressive orientation. It is articulated around disciplinary specialization and the discovery of professional fields in relation to training.
The 3rd year focuses on deepening the disciplinary specialization. It constitutes the cycle of specialization which allows the student to acquire solid knowledge and skills in order to prepare for further study, master’s degree or entry into professional life.
The master is the 2nd grade of the higher education cycle leading to doctoral studies or to a professional activity.
This diploma is prepared over two years. It is organized over two years (M1 and M2) which are divided into specialties and research or professional paths.
The research-oriented master aims to register for a doctorate (bac+8), the professional-oriented master aims to integrate into a specific function or sector.
Like the license, the master is positioned in a field of training.
In the 1st year, students deepen their knowledge in different fields.
In the 2nd year, they acquire specialized knowledge and prepare their professional integration or are destined for a doctorate.
It represents the last phase of the LMD course. It is intended for holders of the Master wishing to begin research studies. It is prepared in three years after the Master.
It is an option that accompanies either the bachelor’s degree or the master’s degree. This option provides direct access to longer and more specialized university studies (from bachelor’s to master’s and from master’s to doctorate). it is granted according to the skills required and the results obtained in the bachelor’s or master’s degree
It is a qualifying option leading to a professional bachelor’s degree or a professional master’s degree, thus rapid integration into the job market.
Is a training course comprising a coherent set of subjects with the objective of providing the student with knowledge, skills and competences, thus allowing him to gradually develop his training project.
the licenses in the new LMD reform are organized by field of training, bringing together a coherent set of courses and specialties in the form of a course and under variable titles: field of science and technology, field of material sciences, field of sciences of nature and life…
It is a subdivision of a field of training, it determines within a field, the specificity of teaching. A course can be mono or multidisciplinary.
Is a subdivision of a die. It specifies the training path and the skills to be acquired by the student.
LMD lessons are organized into teaching units (UE). A (TU) is made up of one or more subjects provided in any form of teaching (courses, practical work, tutorials, seminars, conferences, projects, internships, etc.) organized in an educational and coherent manner and according to a logic of progression with a view to acquiring skills.
A (TU) can be fundamental, methodological, discovery or transversal.
The teaching unit and its constituent subjects are assigned a coefficient and a value in credits.
The value in credits is determined by reference to the volume of “face-to-face” semester hours necessary for the acquisition of knowledge and skills through the forms of teaching provided as well as the volume of activities that the student must carry out for the semester in question ( personal work, report, dissertation, internship, etc.). One semester of study corresponds to 30credits. The license is organized in 6 semesters of study, i.e. 180 credits,
A bridge is the possibility offered to the student to modify his educational path during his schooling, if he realizes that the path chosen at the beginning no longer corresponds to his expectations. The bridge is possible either in the establishment attended, or in another thanks to the principle of mobility.