With its seven faculties, UC3 offers many doctoral students the opportunity to train through research in a wide range of themes from a number of disciplines.

⋅ What does the doctoral degree allow?

Trains future researchers and teacher-researchers as well as future high-level executives.

⋅ What is the thesis defense procedure?

Constantine 3 University offers its doctoral students the possibility of checking the similarity rate of their manuscripts via the strikplagiarism platform. To do this, they must send, once their manuscripts have been completed, their requests to create a strikeplagiarism account to the vice-rectorate in charge of post-graduation.

Contact us

– secretariat.postgrduation@univ-constantine3.dz
– vprg@univ-constantine3.dz
– projects.prfu@univ-constantine3.dz


Tel : +213 31 78 60 81

Fax : +213 31 78 60 79


Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB