UNESCO’s appeal

Form to download here…

In reference to the first global normative instrument on the ethics of artificial intelligence, following the decision of the UNESCO General Conference at its 40th session in November 2019, UNESCO Beirut will organize, in coordination with the UNESCO Cairo and Rabat offices, a series of 3 online consultation sessions targeting Arab youth (15-24 years old) to collect their feedback and suggestions on the preliminary text prepared on the basis of the study conducted by the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST)

Three online sessions are scheduled as follows:

  • One session in English: July 07, 11am-2pm (Beirut time)
  • One session in Arabic: July 08, 11am-2pm (Beirut time)
  • One session in French: July 09, 11am-2pm (Beirut time)

Students from different disciplines, aged 15 to 24, are invited to participate in this unique dialogue.

Interested candidates should apply by sending the attached form by July 02, 2020 to Ms. Zuha Helou(z.helou@unesco.org).

The link to the meeting will be sent directly to confirmed participants.

The Director of the Center

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