One of the university’s missions is the development of scientific and technological research skills and capacities. This mission has a set of objectives including the promotion of “the function of scientific research within higher education and training establishments, scientific research… and stimulate the exploitation of research results ”.
Valuation _ (economic) within the meaning of the Law “means any activity making it possible to make the results, knowledge and skills of research usable or marketable. ” Art. 6. Law 15-21[1]
To achieve this important objective, the Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider University has set up a structure specially dedicated to the economic development of scientific research activities. Named UNIVAL [2] . This structure, similar to the thematic research agencies in its organization and operation, is based on executive decrees n °11-396 and n°11-397 .
UNIVAL is an intermediation structure between the university and the economic sector; its missions are:
→ EVALUATION of the university’s valuable research capacities.
→ CONCLUSION of service and development contracts,
→ SUPPORT and MONITORING of the execution of valuation contracts,
→ PROSPECTION of socio-economic sectors and ORIENTATION of research,
→ PROMOTION of the scientific capacities and productions of the university
UNIVAL has the following bodies :
[1] Law n° 15-21- laying down orientation laws on scientific research and technological development has as its main objective JORADP n°71 of 12/30/2015:
[2] For “ UNI versity VAL uation”.
Resources from service and/or expertise activities are, after deduction of expenses incurred for the performance of the activities concerned, broken down as follows:
The Law prescribes the conformity of the object of the activities and valuable services with the field of activity of the university. The fields of activity of Salah Boubnider Constantine 3 University are:
These areas are covered by 6 faculties, an institute with 21 research laboratories.
♦ From Architecture to Urbanism: Technical Space and Society.
♦ Bioclimatic Architecture & Environment.
♦ City and Health.
♦ Urbanism & Environment.
♦ Energy & Environment.
♦ Architecture, City, Trades and Training.
♦ Sociology of Communication Research and Translation.
♦ Environmental Process Engineering.
♦ Molecular Biology and Genetics.
♦ Diabetes Sugar-DID-DNID.
♦ Food, Nutrition and Health.
♦ Metabolic Diseases Clinical, Biological, Functional and Genetic Studies.
♦ Preventive Medicine for Chronic Diseases.
♦ Occupational and Health Risks.
♦ Cancer Diseases Research Laboratory.