
One of the university’s missions is the development of scientific and technological research skills and capacities. This mission has a set of objectives including the promotion of “the function of scientific research within higher education and training establishments, scientific research… and stimulate the exploitation of research results ”.

Valuation _ (economic) within the meaning of the Law “means any activity making it possible to make the results, knowledge and skills of research usable or marketable. ” Art. 6. Law 15-21[1]

To achieve this important objective, the Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider University has set up a structure specially dedicated to the economic development of scientific research activities. Named UNIVAL [2] . This structure, similar to the thematic research agencies in its organization and operation, is based on executive decrees n °11-396 and n°11-397 .

UNIVAL is an intermediation structure between the university and the economic sector; its missions are:

EVALUATION of the university’s valuable research capacities.

CONCLUSION of service and development contracts,

SUPPORT and MONITORING of the execution of valuation contracts,

PROSPECTION of socio-economic sectors and ORIENTATION of research,

PROMOTION of the scientific capacities and productions of the university

UNIVAL has the following bodies :

  1. An advisory body : guidance and coordination council. Chaired by the vice-rector in charge of research.
  2. A decision-making body : board of directors, chaired by the rector.
  3. An executive body : the management of the unit.

[1] Law n° 15-21- laying down orientation laws on scientific research and technological development has as its main objective JORADP n°71 of 12/30/2015:

[2] For “ UNI versity VAL uation”.

Distribution of benefit income

Distribution of benefit income

Resources from service and/or expertise activities are, after deduction of expenses incurred for the performance of the activities concerned, broken down as follows:

  • 25% goes to college.
  • 5% is allocated to the structure that performed the service,
  • 15% contribution to the national research fund.
  • 50% distributed to staff who participated in the activities concerned,
  • 5% is allocated to the rest of the university staff for social activities.

Areas of activity and partners

The Law prescribes the conformity of the object of the activities and valuable services with the field of activity of the university. The fields of activity of Salah Boubnider Constantine 3 University are:

  1. Urban Planning and Architecture,
  2. Urban management
  3. Medical Sciences,
  4. Industrial and Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
  5. Communication,
  6. Arts and Culture,
  7. The political sciences.

These areas are covered by 6 faculties, an institute with 21 research laboratories.

From Architecture to Urbanism: Technical Space and Society.
Bioclimatic Architecture & Environment.
City and Health.
Urbanism & Environment.
Energy & Environment.
Architecture, City, Trades and Training.
Sociology of Communication Research and Translation.
Environmental Process Engineering.
Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Diabetes Sugar-DID-DNID.
Food, Nutrition and Health.
Metabolic Diseases Clinical, Biological, Functional and Genetic Studies.
Preventive Medicine for Chronic Diseases.
Occupational and Health Risks.
Cancer Diseases Research Laboratory.


Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB