The Assisted Reproductive Technology Days

This medical training will concern residents and assistant professors of the following specialties: Histo-Embryology and Genetics Clinics Gynecology Urology and Biochemistry.


11 June 2023 - 8 h 00 min


12 June 2023 - 16 h 30 min


Faculty of Medicine University of Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider   View map

The Vice Rectorate of External Relations of the Cooperation of the Animation of the Communication and the Scientific Manifestations

Organizes The Assisted Reproductive Technology Days

This medical training will concern residents and assistant professors of the following specialties: Histo-Embryology and Genetics Clinics Gynecology Urology and Biochemistry.

It will take place on June 11 and 12 at the Faculty of Medicine University of Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider

The Program  

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Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB