Our establishment project, piloted by a team of professionals, under my direction, aims to support the establishment in defining its forward-looking vision.

The team outlines the strategic priorities and guidelines for the five-year term (2019-2023). As she advocated a participatory and responsible approach that involved all the main actors of the University.

Being the emanation of a political will of good governance, this project describes the principal missions of the establishment which imply, for their realization, the participative engagement of the whole of the actors. It is intended to be a systemic management tool, which by mobilizing human resources and the desire to federate all actions as well as possible, aims to achieve operational objectives during this five-year period, broken down into coherent actions. This basic tool for the major missions and functions of the establishment tends to determine the operational objectives broken down into actions, but above all to adapt to its socio-economic and international environment.

Its goal : to anticipate priorities, forecast them, plan them, coordinate them while ensuring stage evaluations. It includes, as such, time management, a confrontation of ideas, a permanent negotiation between partners to evaluate at each stage the objectives achieved in relation to the planned ones.

Our school project has a methodological meaning. It is a device which makes it possible to rationalize the actions identified after study and diagnosis of the situation which prevails at the university. The self-assessment process highlighted gaps between ambitions and realities. On the basis of this diagnosis, we have defined the main strategic priorities imposed by the evolution of the socio-economic environment.

The interest of this project is to target the opportunities which prepare the university for the new demands of society. In addition, we have identified the stages, the resources that can be mobilized, the working methods as well as the targeted results broken down into operational and terminal objectives. This strategy involved the support and mobilization of all the management and deliberation bodies (CPC, CSD, CSF, CSU).

It results from a collective determination based on the desire to accomplish the missions (training, QA, employability, scientific research and innovation, governance, life on campus and internationalization, etc.) assigned to the establishment.

It aims to deepen synergies within its training, research and support functions in collaboration with its partners. It leads, finally, to an evaluation of the results which must be concrete, materializing and communicable.


Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB