The policy of the VRPG, built in a concerted way with its faculties and institute, its research structures and in close relation with the supervision and the national research organizations, aims to concretize the values of the University of Constantine 3 based on integrity, governance, consultation (internal and external), perseverance, ethics and excellence.

The VRPG works to ensure that this policy is visible and concrete in various areas:

– UC3’s areas of excellence: which are essentially areas of scientific research related to man and his environment such as: health, environment, art and culture, engineering, planning, communication, management, social and political sciences.

This is ensured by its 21 approved laboratories until March 2021, the publication of specialized scientific journals, the creation of new laboratories, the creation of an incubator for start-ups, and recently a unit for the economic valuation of research products. .
The objective is to decompartmentalize research with the ambition of developing projects aimed at scientifically and economically enhancing the university’s production.

– Higher Education in Third Cycle and Post-Graduation Training:
It is provided by the following courses: Architecture, Management of Urban Techniques, Information and Communication Sciences, Visual Art and Political Sciences.

Continuing education is an integral part of the VRPG ‘s mission and constitutes one of its fundamental areas of intervention.

The training program for the year 2020 included various training cycles (face-to-face and online) in line with the strategic orientations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and with the needs expressed.
The training is structured around actions aimed at developing skills, interdisciplinarity, specialized training and updating knowledge.
The target audience for these training courses are teacher-researchers, doctoral students and administrative staff.

All these actions are aimed at excellence, reputation (notoriety), influence as well as contribution to the societal and economic development of the country.

The Vice-Rector.


Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB