At the University of Constantine 3, internationalization is perceived as a process of connection to the outside which requires internal changes in the information, management and functioning of the establishment.

The Vice Rectorate in charge of external relations and cooperation is responsible for institutional partnerships for the University of Constantine 3 and all the entities and structures that make it up.

The Vice-rectorate in charge of external relations and cooperation works to develop and strengthen cooperation and inter-university exchanges with partners that the University of Constantine 3 considers strategic.

The Vice Rectorate in charge of external relations and cooperation works to integrate the University into the international dimension.

It leads a strategy that aims to improve the quality of teaching, learning and acquisition of skills by including an international and intercultural dimension.

We aim for quality cooperation and build relationships with our partners based on respect, the principle of reciprocity and the search for mutual benefit.

The University of Constantine 3 aims to provide international opportunities to all University stakeholders; the mobility of teachers and students is proposed as a tool for confrontation and excellence.

The Vice-rectorate in charge of external relations and cooperation offers various forms of mobility, ranging from advanced training (one to six months), allowing doctoral students mobility with a foreign partner, through high-level scientific stays and participation in a scientific event (for teacher-researchers).

The administrative and technical staff benefit from training and immersion courses provided by foreign partners.

It is also possible for our students and doctoral students to carry out internships abroad within the framework of cooperation programs such as “ERASMUS + and others”; allowing them to rub shoulders with many international students.



Ali Mendjeli, El KHROUB